The journey to personal responsibility and financial freedom is not without work or sacrifice. If a change is truly wanted understanding what is holding us back & the steps to take are important. Here some info can be gained on what to do.
24/7 hotline for young people who are at risk of homelessness.
Website | Call 1-800-786-2929
-Joining a gym is a affordable way to bathe, shave, exercise & use restroom facilities. Remember any place you may linger to be polite and trash free, even helping others. Otherwise access to such places may be denied for you and others.
-At thrift stores we can find presentable and cheap clothing to apply for jobs.
-For homeless youth assistance 24/7 Call: 1-800-786-2929
Its not uncommon to lose your identity and paperwork in unstable living condition, here we can find some steps to take below:
Start by creating a Email. This will help you enroll in programs and create a point of contact:
When applying for jobs or getting mail sent no one needs to know your homeless. Additionally some local churches may allow you to use their address.
Below a list of Driver license locations. After clicking the link, To the left is a list of other resources concerning Identification and License.